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Hair transplant Paris. FUE hair transplant

Your only interlocutor for your hair transplant is Dr Abbou or Dr Pessis who are board certified cosmetic surgeons in Paris, specializing in hair transplantation.

Also called hair restoration, hair transplantation, or individual hair implants, fue hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure that involves taking hair from a donor area, most commonly the back or sides of your scalp, and moving it to recipient areas of the scalp where you had hair loss.

 Most often the cause is genetic known as androgenic alopecia or telogen effluvium.

Hair transplant procedure is the most popular baldness treatment in the world due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

Hair grafts take place under local anesthesia in the clinic in our center using the FUE (follicular unit extraction) or FUT technique depending on your scalp. A partial shave of the hair is necessary for the FUE technique.

The results are visible after six to nine months after the hair transplant.

The price depends on the number of transplanted grafts and follicular units.

This information sheet was written by Doctor Ralph ABBOU who is a cosmetic surgeon in Paris specializing in the treatment of baldness.

For any inquiry please send us an email : [email protected] or telephone +33 1 53 81 44 45

Photos before after hair transplants in our clinic in Paris

What is hair transplant?

Hair transplantation or hair implants can effectively treat baldness. The technique used in priority at our practice is the F.U.E (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant.

The F.U.E consists in taking grafts one by one and reimplanting each follicular unit in the bald areas and allows to obtain a natural result.

What are the objectives of hair transplantation ?

  • Restore a satisfactory density of hair on the skull
  • Cover balding areas
  • Obtain a natural result

Who are the candidates for hair transplantation ?

All patients with significant hair loss or significant baldness of the skull.

This hair loss can be accompanied by aesthetic discomfort and psychological repercussions.

The best candidates will be over 20 years old. Before the age of 20, it is difficult to know how much hair you will lose in the future.

Most older patients already show signs of male or female pattern baldness, making it easier for surgeons to predict future hair loss and create a hairline that looks natural over time. You will also need enough healthy hair for the surgeon to harvest. If your scalp is thinning all over or you already have severe hair loss, you may not have a healthy enough donor site for a successful hair transplant.

Generally, hair transplant surgery is more commonly performed on men (62% of patients)

How is a hair transplant performed ?

Before the intervention

  • 2 cosmetic surgery medical consultations to analyze your hair loss and classify your baldness.
  • Your surgeon proposes a treatment plan adapted to your case.
  • Smoking cessation
  • Discontinuation of anti-inflammatories and anti-coagulants

Hair restoration techniques

There are two (2) main hair restoration techniques : Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Follicular Unit Transplantation

With FUT (sometimes called strip surgery), the hair transplant surgeon makes an incision with a scalpel and removes a strip of skin with healthy hair from the back of your scalp. The incision is closed and concealed by the hair. This technique makes it possible to obtain a lot of viable grafts, which are extracted and transplanted into the recipient area.

Follicular Unit Extraction

With FUE, we take the hair one by one, so there is no visible linear scar. Keep in mind that if you opt for an FUE transplant, the surgeon usually shaves the donor area before extracting the hair, so you will need to plan the procedure. There is, however, the possibility of benefiting from a “no shave” FUE if you have hair of sufficient length.

Hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. After the grafts are obtained from the donor area, the surgeon creates tiny holes in the recipient area with tiny blades or needles, then places the grafts (containing one to three hairs) into each one.

The aesthetic outcome of your hair transplant is absolutely determined by how the surgeon treats the recipient sites :

  • The angulation,
  • Distribution
  • And placement of the grafts.

Up to 2000 grafts can be transplanted using this meticulous process, one by one, so a hair transplant can take up to eight (8) hours.

The goal is to achieve the best hair regrowth by properly handling each graft.

Hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. You will not feel any pain and we are at your disposal step by step to complete the anesthesia and ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

The discomfort comes mainly from being in a sitting position for several hours, but we will take regular breaks.

It lasts an average of 4 to 8 hours depending on the amount of hair implanted.

A small scab will form on each implant which will fall off after approximately two (2) weeks.

After your hair implant session, you can go home accompanied.

The implanted hair will grow back from the 3rd month. Several sessions of hair implants may be necessary on the same recipient site to obtain a suitable density of transplanted hair.

Hair transplantation requires tiny incisions in the recipient area and any resulting scars are usually invisible to the eye.

The choice of one or the other of these two (2) techniques depends on your case depending on :

  • Your preference
  • Severity of your hair loss at the top of the head
  • Configuring your donor areas
  • Thickness of your hair
  • Hair type

What are the consequences after hair transplant ?

  • Recovery is generally straightforward, especially in the donor area where the grafts were taken, which should be fully healed within three days.
  • You may experience slight sensitivity and swelling of the scalp, as well as scabs for six (6) to seven (7) days after the hair has been implanted.

For the first five days, take a gentle approach when washing your hair. Use a mild shampoo and don’t scrub your hair. After that, you can safely resume your hair washing clothes.

After the operation :

  • You will feel moderate pain for a few days which will be relieved by pain medication.
  • It is necessary to plan ten days of vacation for the postoperative period before resuming daily activities.

Hair growth is a slow process, even in a person who does not have hair loss.

1. Two (2) to three (3) weeks after the transplant, the implanted hair will fall out. But don’t worry : they will grow back. New hair begins to grow three to four months later and continues to grow for life.

2. Around 6 to 10 months after the operation, you will start to see real results as new hair grows out.

3. Within 10 to 12 months, you will see 90% of the results of new hair growth.

After hair transplantation, the first signs of growth may take three (3) to four (4) months due to the natural hair growth cycle. When your hair begins to grow, the full effects will take about eight (8) months. About a year after the operation, you will be able to see the final result.

The transplanted hair follicles are genetically resistant to baldness, so they will continue to grow throughout your life.

It is possible to perform several hair transplants with each time a rest phase of 3 months between each session.

Hair transplant price in Paris

 Hair transplant price  From 2000 euros 

The price of hair transplantation depends on the number of grafts per session.

Also read


FAQ: everything you need to know about hair transplantation in Paris

What are the advantages of hair transplantation?

When the hair is transplanted correctly, it grows for the rest of your life.
There is very little preparation required.
Hair transplants can look extremely natural, when done right.
Most patients do not need painkillers afterwards, especially with the FUE technique (follicular unit extraction)
Improved self-esteem and regained confidence.


Is there a medical alternative to hair transplantation?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): this treatment uses injections of your own blood platelets, full of growth factors and proteins, to stimulate new hair growth: this works in about 60% of patients and needs to be repeated every four to six months to maintain results.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): This is medical light therapy that stimulates the growth of hair follicles and helps reduce inflammation of the scalp. Light therapy increases hair density.

When can I do a hair transplant?

From the age of 18, if there is visible baldness or significant hair loss.

Early hair transplants prevent complete baldness through a multi-step strategy. A tailor-made treatment plan will be proposed to you according to your case. Smoking cessation is essential before hair transplantation

Does the transplanted hair grow?

The implanted hair survives for about ten days before falling out. It is the bulb that remains alive and will produce new hair that will be visible after a few months and will grow for life like natural hair.

When can I wash my hair after the hair transplant?

In theory, it is possible to wash your hair the day after the hair transplant. As a precaution, we advise you to wash them 48 hours after the graft with a mild shampoo to avoid any risk of damaging the grafts.

How to sleep after a hair transplant?

The first days after the hair transplant, it is advisable to sleep on a soft cushion protected by a towel in a half-sitting position in order to prevent postoperative edema which can occur the first week after the intervention.

Why does the crown hair not fall out?

The hair located in the crown does not fall out because it is genetically programmed never to fall out. This is because crown hair is resistant to the hormone that causes hair loss.

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Dear sir/madam,

I have read nice reviews about your service. I would like to book an appointment with you regarding hair transplant for initial consultation. Is it possible to book an appointment on 17th of March 2023? If the initial consultation is encouraging, would it be possible to have hair transplant on the same date?

I have talked with my local doctor and my doctor has told me that the fair follicle I might need to transplant is between 1500 to 2000.

Also, I would like to know about the cost structure for your service.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Dr Abbou

Hello thank you for your inquiry about hair transplant
A first appointment is possible on March 17 th
The hair transplant will not be possible the same day. We ll have to schedule it

Cost for 1500 grafts is 6500 euros and for 2000 grafts : 8000 euros
best regards



I would like to get Hair Transplant (FUE). You wouldn’t speak English, as my French is not yet good enough.
My head is covered by healthy hair from everywhere except on the top (Stage 7 baldness). It has been like 10 years.
According to initial estimation I might benefit from 3000-3500 grafts of hair. My hair is curly. I would love to take the surgery in February.

Please advise me on possibilities and prices.

Thank you!

Best wishes,

Dr Abbou

Hello thank you for your inquiry about hair transplant
please can you meet the surgeon in medical consultation ?
Best regards


Hi I am looking for Hair Transplant but my French is not good. Is it possible to take your appointment. Thanks

Dr Abbou

Please can you call at + 33 1 53 81 44 45 We will be happy to assist you for your hair transplant
Best regards


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