TEL : 01 53 81 44 45
TEL : 01 53 81 44 45
Here are the prices of the main acts of aesthetic surgery and aesthetic medicine in accordance with the legislation, practiced by Dr Ralph ABBOU and Dr Rachel PESSIS
The price of the medical consultation is between 120 and 150 euros.
Doctor Ralph ABBOU and Doctor Rachel PESSIS perform cosmetic surgery in Paris.
They are cosmetic plastic surgeons approved by the french board of plastic surgery.
The prices presented are indicative. Each act or intervention will be the subject of a personalized estimate after a medical consultation. We do not accept payment facilities.
For non surgical cosmetic procedures and cosmetic surgery, prices are subject to VAT ( 20 % )
Interventions | Prices |
Botulinum toxin injections (Botox) | from 500 € |
Hyaluronic Acid Injections | from 500 € |
Skin Boosters | from 300 € |
Mesotherapy | from 300 € |
Peeling | from 300 € |
Non surgical facelift with permanent tensor threads | from 1200 € |
Treatment of temples (Hyaluronic Acid) | from 500 € |
Dark circles treatment (Hyaluronic Acid) | from 500 € |
Cheekbone treatment (Hyaluronic Acid) | from 500 € |
Rhinoplasty by Hyaluronic Acid | from 500 € |
Treatment of nasolabial folds (Hyaluronic Acid) | from 500 € |
Lip treatment (Hyaluronic Acid) | from 500 € |
Treatment of bitter lines (puppet lines) | from 500 € |
Chin Treatment (Hyaluronic Acid) | from 500 € |
Medicis Protocol PRXT 33 ( 1 hour treatment ) | 480 € |
Penoplasty by Hyaluronic Acid | from 2000 € |
Interventions | Prices |
Hair transplant | From 2000 euros |
Beard transplant | From 2000 euros |
Facelift | from 10 000 € |
Forehead reduction: hairline lowering | from 6000 € |
Endoscopic facelift | from 15 000 € |
Temporal lift (eyebrow) | from 4000 € |
Brow lift without scars (endoscopic) | from 8000 € |
Mini Facelift | from 5000 € |
Upper eyelid surgery | from 3500 € |
Lower eyelid surgery | from 4000 € |
Upper AND lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) | from 6500 € |
Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) | from 6000 € |
Surgery for protruding ears (otoplasty) | from 3000 € |
Upper lip lift | from 3500 € |
Chin surgery (advance or retreat genioplasty) | from 4000 € |
Lip reduction | from 3000 € |
Reduction of Bichat balls or bichectomy | from 4000 € |
Chin liposuction | from 3500 € |
Interventions | Prices |
Breast augmentation with breast prostheses | from 5500 € |
Breast lipofilling (injection of fat into the breasts) | from 7500 € |
Composite breast augmentation (breast prosthesis + lipofilling) | from 7500 € |
Breast ptosis cure or breast lift | from 5000 € |
Breast ptosis cure with implant (prosthesis plastic surgery) | from 7500 € |
from de 5000 € | |
Treatment of inverted nipples | from de 2000 € |
Treatment of tuberous breasts with prostheses (covered by social security) | from 3500 € |
Treatment of tuberous breasts by lipofilling (covered by social security) | from 4000 € |
Breast reconstruction after cancer | View the page |
Gynecomastia Treatment | from 3500 € |
Interventions | Prices |
Liposuction under local anesthesia Lipoaspiration or liposuction | from 3500 € from 4200 € |
High definition liposuction (Vaser lipo or vaser liposuction) | from 6000 € |
Abdominoplasty ( tummy tuck ) | from 5000 € |
Abdominal Etching | from 6000 € |
Mini-abdominoplasty | from 4000 € |
arm lift | from 6000 € |
Thigh lift | from 7000 € |
Butt lift | from 6000 € |
Bodylift (total circular dermolipectomy) | from 7000 € |
Lipofilling of the buttocks (Brazilian Butt lift) | from 8000 € |
Treatment of diastasis | from 7000 € |
Buffalo Hump Liposuction | from 4200 € |
There are several liposuction procedures depending on the parts of the body:
The procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the number of areas of the body to be treated.
The prices of a liposuction in Paris generally vary from 4000 euros to 10000 euros.
Before resorting to surgery, you must first consult your cosmetic surgeon.
The price of the first consultation in our surgery center in Paris 16th is between 120 and 150 euros.
It is important to dissociate cosmetic surgery which makes it possible to beautify one’s physique from restorative surgery which intervenes with the aim of restoring the integrity of the body following an accident, illness or malformation.
Certain reconstructive surgery operations are 100% covered by social security when they are carried out in a public structure. In a private structure, excess fees can be partially reimbursed by your mutual insurance company.
You should know that the reimbursement of surgery is well supervised. Here are the different cosmetic surgery procedures reimbursed by health insurance:
In any case, your surgeon will explain all the possible treatments to you during the first consultation.
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% commentaires (3)
I would like to do vaginoplasty/labioplasty and a tummy tuck.
Hello, please call our office to book a medical consultation with Dr rachel PESSIS
Best regards,
I would like lip reduction surgery. I will be at IMCAS Jan 2023 until Feb 5th. Can I do surgery on Jan 30th?