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Surgeon specializing in penoplasty by fat injection in Paris

Surgical penoplasty is one of the two types of penoplasty (surgical penoplasty and medical penoplasty)

Surgical penoplasty provides a permanent solution to patients who wish to lengthen and thicken their penis through fat injections or lipofilling.

This fact sheet was written in June 2020 and updated in December 2021 by Dr. Ralph ABBOU who is a plastic surgeon in Paris.

Dr. ABBOU regularly performs intimate surgery on men, both in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, including penile lipofilling.

Before and after penoplasty photos in Paris

Diapositive précédente
Diapositive suivante

What is surgical penoplasty ?

Penoplasty is a surgical procedure of intimate cosmetic surgery which allows to improve the proportions of the penis thanks to :

  • a reinjection of your fat: lipofilling to increase the volume of the penis (enlargement penoplasty)
  • the section of the suspensory ligament of the penis to lengthen the penis (lengthening penoplasty)

What are the objectives of surgical penoplasty?)

  • Increase the diameter of the penis
  • Increase the length of the penis
  • Improve your sex life
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Treat a complex

 Who is penoplasty for?

Surgical penoplasty is for all men who wish to increase the volume, diameter and length of their penis and improve their sex life.

How is the surgical penoplasty performed?

Before the penoplasty

  • Cosmetic surgery consultations with your plastic surgeon with a clinical examination to define your surgical project. A mandatory reflection period of at least 15 days.
  • Anesthesia consultation
  • Pre-operative blood test
  • Smoking cessation

Course of the intervention

The surgical penoplasty takes place in the operating room under general anesthesia. The procedure lasts 1h30 on average. The patient is discharged the same day.

The procedure consists of taking fat from the stomach, love handles and thighs with a very fine cannula and then filtering it with the Puregraft system to obtain pure fat that will then be re-injected into the penis and the glans.

The section of the suspensory ligament of the penis consists in making a small incision at the base of the penis to allow the lengthening of the male sex.

Post-operative care

Bruises and swelling are present for a few days. The aftermath is not very painful. Sexual relations can be resumed after an average of 20 days.

Price of surgical penoplasty Paris

Surgical procedurePrice
Surgical penoplasty for lengthening From 4500 €
Surgical penoplasty for enlargement From 4500 €

The fee depends on the complexity of your case, the duration of the operation and the surgical procedures to be performed.

FAQ: everything you need to know about surgical penoplasty

Is penoplasty reimbursed by social security ?

For patients who suffer from a micropenis, the operation may be covered in part by social security. For aesthetic requests, there is no coverage by social security.

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