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TEL : 01 53 81 44 45
Cosmetic surgery of the breasts or breast surgery is one of the most common cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. Breast surgery allows for breast reconstruction to improve the appearance, volume and shape of the breasts.
The most common techniques used in breast surgery are the placement of breast prostheses or breast implants and breast lipofilling for breast augmentation. Breast lift or breast ptosis treatment is used to lift sagging breasts and breast reduction surgery to reduce breast size.
This information sheet was written in July 2020 by Dr. PESSIS who is a plastic surgeon in Paris specializing in breast surgery (breast augmentation and breast reduction, breast lift) and breast reconstruction (tuberous breasts, breast cancer …)
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure that increases the volume of the breasts using breast prostheses or breast lipofilling (fat injections).
Breast reduction and breast enlargement are cosmetic breast surgery procedures that reduce the volume of the breast and harmonize the breasts with the rest of the body.
The breast lift or breast ptosis treatment is a cosmetic surgery procedure that allows the lifting of sagging breasts after pregnancy or weight loss. The breast lift enhances the volume of the breasts without changing the volume of the breasts.
Tuberous breasts are a very common breast deformity. Aesthetic surgery of the breasts allows the treatment of tuberous breasts through the installation of breast prostheses associated with the cure of ptosis or breast lift.
Male gynecomastia refers to the presence of a mammary gland in a man that gives the impression of having breasts. The treatment of gynecomastia is surgical through cosmetic breast surgery.
La chirurgie des mamelons ombiliqués est un traitement très fréquent de chirurgie esthétique des seins qui permet de faire ressortir le mamelon ombiliqué ou invaginé c’est à dire les mamelons rentrants.
In the operating room under general anesthesia, cosmetic breast surgery lasts an average of 1 to 2 hours depending on the complexity of your case.
The patient is discharged the same evening or the next day.
Post-operative pain is moderate and lasts a few days.
The swelling and bruising last about fifteen days.
It is necessary to plan a ten-day vacation.
The results are appreciable after one month.
Social security coverage is possible for breast reduction if your breasts are large (breast hypertrophy)
Breast ptosis refers to a drooping and sagging appearance of the breasts. Breast ptosis is caused by a sagging of the mammary gland, the fat located in the breasts and the skin of the breasts.
Breast implants last between 10 and 15 years on average. It is necessary to change breast implants every 10 to 15 years to prevent complications.
Breast lifting is not reimbursed by the social security system.
In some cases, it is possible to perform a breast reduction at the age of 17 if the discomfort is significant with the agreement of both parents.
Cosmetic surgery of the breasts includes cosmetic surgery procedures that improve the volume, shape and appearance of the breasts, i.e:
The objectives of cosmetic breast surgery are as follows:
Cosmetic surgery of the breasts is intended for all patients who wish to improve the volume, shape and curvature of their breasts and those who seek to treat a malformation: tuberous breasts, gynecomastia, umbilicated nipples
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