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Liposuction paris. vaser liposuction - Dr ABBOU & Dr PESSIS liposuction specialist in Paris

Liposuction or liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that allows for a slimming of the silhouette by suctioning fatty deposits in certain parts of the body.

Liposuction is the most widely practiced cosmetic and plastic surgery procedure in the world. It is the simplest and most effective treatment for permanently removing excess fat and fat cells from many areas of the body and permanently improving your figure.

Liposuction is performed in the clinic’s operating room under local anesthesia (gentle liposuction) or general anesthesia.

The results of liposuction are visible three (3) to six (6) months after the procedure and the results last a lifetime if you have a healthy lifestyle.

The areas most often treated by liposuction are the abdomen, thighs and inner thighs, saddlebags, hips and love handles.

We use vaser liposuction and PAL liposuccion (power assisted liposuccion) from USA.

Liposuction rate : from €4200

This medical information sheet was written by Dr. Ralph ABBOU who is a plastic surgeon in Paris.

For any inquiry please send us an email : [email protected] or message on whatsapp 00 33 7 56 86 66 55

Before and after liposuction photos in Paris

Here are examples of before and after results of full liposuction or on more specific body parts. 

FAQs : everything you need to know about vaser liposuction in Paris

LiposuctionFrom €4200

If your weight is stable, the fat will not return after liposuction. 

It all depends on your height. To benefit from liposuction, your body mass index must be below 30.

After liposuction, you will experience moderate pain similar to aches and pains for about ten days.

You are a good candidate for liposuction if you are healthy and your BMI (body mass index) is 30 or less. If you are looking for a weight loss solution or cellulite treatment, liposuction is not the best choice.

If the patient has good skin elasticity, he or she will obtain a very good result.

The duration of the hospitalization varies from a few hours in ambulatory with exit the same day to one night at the clinic according to the importance of the intervention (volume of fat aspirated) and the place of residence of the patient (if you live far from the clinic, it will be necessary to remain sleeping on the spot for your safety)

The duration of the procedure depends directly on the amount of fat to be removed and the areas to be treated. The duration of the liposuction is from 1 hour to 3 hours of operation.

The choice of the type of anesthesia depends on :

  • Your preference
  • The amount of fat to be removed
  • The areas to be treated

Most often, the anesthesia is general, but it is possible to consider the following anesthesias:

  • General anesthesia
  • Sedation ( neurolept-analgesia )
  • Loco-regional anesthesia (epidural)
  • Local anesthesia
  • Traditional Liposuction: We use a cannula (thin tube) to remove fat cells from the body by suction.
  • Ultrasonic liposuction: vaser lipo or vaser liposuction: allows the removal of large fat deposits while tightening the skin. This technique allows for high definition liposuction or 4D lipo.
  • Assisted liposuction: the lipomatic or PAL microarray
    In this procedure, we use a vibrating cannula to break up the fat cells. This allows for smaller incisions and simpler after-effects thanks to a more precise liposuction.

Vaser liposuction is a liposuction technique coupled with ultrasound that allows for high definition liposuction. Ultrasound liquefies the fat before it is suctioned, which allows for a more precise liposuction with less painful and simpler after-effects.

Vaser liposuction allows for the sculpting of muscle relief, particularly for abdominal etching: it is a very precise liposuction technique that allows you to bring out your abdominal muscles.

  • You will experience less postoperative swelling and bruising with VASER than with traditional liposuction, which requires more powerful manual movements to break up fat tissue.
  • The sound waves target only the fat, without damaging the surrounding tissue. This makes the extraction more uniform.
  • Recovery is less painful than with traditional tumescent liposuction because the nerves and tissues surrounding the treatment area are less likely to be disturbed.
  • The results of VASER liposuction are permanent, as long as you maintain your postoperative weight.
  • You should need no more than a few days (perhaps up to a week) of downtime with VASER liposuction compared to two weeks of downtime with traditional liposuction.

After anesthesia, a saline-anesthetic mixture is injected directly into the treatment areas. This solution expands the fat compartment and constricts the small blood vessels, to help start the breakdown of the fat tissue. The surgeon makes tiny incisions in the treatment area and inserts a skin protector (rubber stopper) before the ultrasound probe penetrates the fat tissue. The fat is broken up with the ultrasound energy. This makes subsequent fat removal with the liposuction cannula less traumatic than with traditional liposuction. 

Power assisted liposuction (or PAL) uses rapid vibrations (through an oscillating handpiece) to break down fat cells without heat, while VASER relies on ultrasound energy waves and generates heat in the tissue.

Both PAL and VASER are excellent techniques for easily breaking down fat and achieving high definition liposuction.

Skin tightening is not the primary goal of VASER liposuction. “It generates heat during the procedure, but there have been mixed studies on whether it actually causes skin tightening.” Plastic surgeons will typically use a separate radiofrequency-based procedure, such as BodyTite or Renuvion’s J Plasma, to tighten skin that has become loose during liposuction.

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