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Temporal lift surgeon in Paris

The temporal lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure for the eyebrows and the upper face that allows the lateral part of the eyebrows to be raised and the upper part of the face to be rejuvenated. Indeed, as the face ages, the forehead, eyebrows and eyelids can become slack.

This information sheet was written in June 2020 by Dr. ABBOU Ralph who is a plastic surgeon in Paris.

Before and after photos of temporal lift

What is a temporal lift ?

The temporal lift is a facial cosmetic surgery procedure that raises the eyebrows, especially the tail of the eyebrow (lateral part).

The temporal lift can be performed on young patients to raise the lateral part of the eyebrows or on older patients to treat ptosis or sagging of the upper part of the face (forehead and eyebrows)

Also known as a lateral brow lift, the temporal lift is a less invasive cosmetic surgery than a typical brow lift.

The procedure requires a small incision hidden in the hair and using special surgical instruments, the outer third of the forehead is raised and the tail of the eyebrow is lifted and rejuvenated.

What are the objectives of the temporal lift ?

The temporal lift allows :

  • To raise the outer part of the eyebrows
  • Reduction of wrinkles and folds on the forehead and at the corners of the eyes.
  • To enhance the outer part of the forehead
  • Reduce excess skin on the upper eyelids
  • To open and rejuvenate the eyes

This procedure is often performed with an eyelid lift, also called upper blepharoplasty.

Who is it for?

Candidates for a temporal lift are men and women who have sagging of the lateral part of the eyebrows, temples or eyes, regardless of their age, and also patients who wish to have the lateral part of the eyebrows raised.

What are the dangers?

As with any surgical procedure, certain risks are possible but are rare in practice:

  • transient hair loss (rare)
  • Nerve damage (temporal branch of the facial nerve) with a decrease in the mobility of the forehead which is transient in most cases.
  • Delayed healing of scars in the hair

All these risks will be explained to you in detail during your medical consultation.

What is the procedure?

Before the operation

  • Two cosmetic surgery consultations to analyze your face and plan the surgical strategy.
  • Anesthesia consultation if general anesthesia
  • Pre-operative blood test

Course of the intervention

The temporal lift can be performed under local or general anesthesia in the operating room. A small incision is made in the hair to raise the eyebrows and remove the excess skin. The surgeon suspends the eyebrows by making a plane of detachment and sutures.

Post-operative care

You can expect some bruising and swelling after your procedure. Most swelling should go away in about a week, while bruising may take two to three weeks to disappear. You may experience headaches, numbness and itching.

Normal activities, including work, can usually resume within 2 weeks.

A facelift lasts about 10 years. Some patients decide to repeat the procedure along the way, while others feel they do not need another procedure. In either case, your face will continue to age gracefully.

What are the fees for a temporal lift?

Surgical procedurePrice
Temporal lift From 4 000 €

The rate may vary depending on the complexity of your intervention.

FAQ : tout savoir sur le lifting frontal

Differences between temporal lift and brow lift

Although they involve the same area of the face, a temporal lift is very different from a brow lift also known as a brow lift. A brow lift is a more invasive surgery that mobilizes the entire skin of the forehead.

A temporal lift, on the other hand, lifts only the sides of the face and forehead. It does not affect the middle of the forehead or the area between the eyebrows in any way.

The temporal lift provides treatment of brow ptosis without any scarring of the forehead.

Is the temporal lift painful?

Most of the time this procedure is not painful. You may experience a feeling of tension in the temple for a few days.

How long does the temporal lift last?

The surgical procedure takes an average of one hour. The results are very long lasting and will allow for a rejuvenation of the face for several years.


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