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Lipoma is a benign swelling or fatty mass that appears spontaneously under the skin.

The lipoma can cause aesthetic and functional discomfort, i.e. it can cause pain or tingling.  In extreme cases, lipomas can lead to a limitation of the articular amplitudes and an embarrassment with clothing.

The treatment of lipoma is based exclusively on surgery, which consists of removing the fatty swelling en bloc.

It is not possible to treat a lipoma by liposuction because the lipoma is surrounded by a hard capsule.

This medical information sheet was written by Dr. Ralph ABBOU and Dr. Rachel PESSIS who are cosmetic surgeons in Paris.

What is a lipoma? 

A lipoma is a benign swelling or ball of fatty origin that appears spontaneously (genetic terrain) or following a direct shock. A lipoma can appear on all areas of the body in the subcutaneous region (under the skin)


How to recognize a lipoma?

A lipoma is characterized by the following signs:

  •  A hard, painless mass
  • Located under the skin
  • Hard consistency to the touch 
  • Mobility in relation to the deep plane
  • Frequent family history (presence of other cases in the family)

How is a lipoma treated?

  • Medical consultation with your plastic surgeon 
  • Some lipomas may require an ultrasound beforehand if they are large
  • Surgical treatment (removal) in the operating room under local or general anesthesia
  • Anatomopathological analysis of the lesion
  • Simple postoperative follow-up 
  • Resumption of daily activities and work within 24-48 hours 
  • No sport for 15 days 

Lipoma treatment price Paris

Surgical interventionPrice
LipomaFrom  300€

Coverage by social security is possible 

The questions most often asked by patients

How does a lipoma appear? 

Most often a lipoma appears spontaneously (genetic form). A lipoma can also appear following a trauma to the area.

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