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Cosmetic surgery of the silhouette and the body

Cosmetic surgery of the body is a specialized field of plastic surgery.

Aesthetic surgery of the figure and body allows for the treatment of excess fat by liposuction and excess sagging skin by lifting.

The most common procedures in body contouring surgery are liposuction or liposuction of the abdomen (abdominal fat), thighs, saddlebags and arms, arm lifts, buttock lifts, inner thigh lifts and abdominoplasty. Breast augmentation and buttock augmentation are also very common operations.

Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the figure and body is adapted to each patient’s case in order to obtain a natural and harmonious result.

Cosmetic surgery allows you to beautify your body and post-bariatric surgery allows you to repair the consequences of weight loss.

This medical information sheet was updated in January 2022 by Dr Ralph ABBOU who is a plastic surgeon in Paris.

Our interventions on the body

Lipofilling paris


It consists of taking your fat and reinjecting it into the breasts or buttocks

Abdominoplastie paris


Surgical treatment of excess belly fat and skin

Mini abdominoplastie paris

Mini abdominoplasty

Traitement chirurgical de l'excès modéré de peau du ventre par cicatrice courte

Diastasis paris


Surgical repair of the abdominal muscle wall after pregnancy

Mommy makeover paris

Mommy makeover

Surgical treatment of drooping breasts and belly after pregnancy

Bodylift paris


Surgical treatment of sagging stomach and buttocks by circular scarring

Lifting cuisses paris

Thigh lift

Surgical treatment of sagging inner thighs

Lifting bras paris

Arm lift

Surgical treatment of sagging inner arms

Gynecomastie paris


Breast treatment for men


What body surgery is reimbursed?

The cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures that are covered by health insurance after prior agreement are :

  • Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty
  • Bodylift or dermolipectomy
  • Thigh lift
  • Arm lift

Is liposuction reimbursed?

Liposuction or liposuction is a cosmetic surgery operation that is never reimbursed by social security.

What is the price of a tummy tuck?

The price of liposuction of the abdomen depends on your case and the expected duration of the surgery.

In practice, the rate varies between 3200 € and 7000 €.

How to remove belly fat without surgery?

Cryolipolysis makes it possible to treat excess fat localized on the stomach without surgery. Cryolipolysis allows the destruction of fat cells by cold.

Make an appointment with a doctor in Paris

Are you considering cosmetic surgery of the figure and body? Make an appointment to discuss it with a specialist in cosmetic surgery and medicine.Doctors Abbou and Pessis welcome you in their office located in Paris and will provide you with all the necessary information during a first consultation.


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